Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summertime Rant

The Top 10 internship is turning out to be a vacuum that I keep dumping money into and seeing nothing in return. Unfortunately for me, that means spending the little money I am making on "rewards" for my efforts. I've got to do something to keep me excited about working 60 hours a week for $100 right?

What rewards could make this worthwhile?
A new phone to replace the old, cracked one I've been using for 6 months? No.
New dress shirts to wear to work everyday? No.
New Sperry's to replace the tattered ones I own? No.

I have my eye on much more useful things like suede white Buc's and a seersucker jacket. Sure, these items can only be worn a couple months of the year, but I can't help myself. Maybe the financial sector isn't the best place for someone who can't even save their own money!

Anyone know where I can find some of these items of good quality at a good price? That's the next step of the process

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